Our Thoughts on Bob Uecker Entering the Hall

We still can’t stress enough how thrilled we are with “Mr. Baseball” Bob Uecker’s impending induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.  For any younger readers of the Lateral Press, we strongly urge you to watch Uecker’s performances at Wrestlemanias III and IV in order to get a better appreciation for his contributions to WWE.  (Back-to-back Wrestlemanias, Uecker quipped, was the only option he ever had renewed in his career).

Uecker was the perfect celebrity fit for the silliness and campiness of professional wrestling in the 1980s, and he was one of the first true “sports entertainers.”  He proved he could hold his own on the microphone, helping to call the Hillbilly Jim/King Kong Bundy mixed-midget tag match at WM III and the 20-man over the top rope Battle Royal and WM IV.  It’s clear listening to their commentary during this match that both Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura have genuine respect and admiration for The Uke.  His working knowledge of the sport was impressive as well.  In the ring with Bundy, for instance, Uke said he would likely go for a flying head scissors in order to neutralize the weight advantage of the 450-pound Walking Condominium. 

Uecker also had very entertaining skirt-chasing skits first with (curiously) the Fabulous Moolah and then Vanna White.  Of course, his sexual-harassment-lawsuit-be-damned advances went unrequited by both women.  It’s actually kind of sad to think that even the 63-year old Moolah was unmoved by Uecker’s evident love thirstiness.

In our opinion, Mr. Baseball’s interview with Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania IV contains the most iconic camera shot in the history of professional wrestling.  Andre’s colossal hands wrapped around the neck of the instantly rubberfaced Uke is the ultimate Wrestlemania moment.  Even Andre seems genuinely amused by Uecker’s antics (watch for the ear-to-ear smile on Andre’s face as he leaves the interview area).  If this 64-second interview was Uecker’s only contribution to the sport, he would still be well-deserving of permanent enshrinement in wrestling’s most hallowed hall. 

With arms that could not be open any wider, Lateral Press welcomes Bob Uecker to the Hall of Fame Class of 2010, and we would like to remind everyone that when it comes to his HOF induction, “that was our pick!!!”  (See WM IV Battle Royal). 

(As a special treat, we have included Uecker’s multiple Emmy award-winning performance with Andre at Wrestlemania IV). 

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